Take an inside look into the lifestyle of the Simply Clean crew on a day to day basis. No fancy equipment or video production here… Just a camera, a skateboard and amazing friends to make it all come together.
it’s not a competition
**This is our first installment to our new addition so be on the lookout for a monthly drop!**
December 1st, 2011 at 2:13 pm
I think these guerrilla style videos are PERFECT. I been heedin this website for over half a year and this is a badass way for us as fans to be a part of the simply clean crew. Sucks that it has to be a monthly drop but I know y’all gotta build up material. If i didnt live so far in SoFla and my Alti was done, I’d try to be down with the crew.
Fuc- nah man…., Props Simply Clean! haha
December 1st, 2011 at 3:34 pm
what’s the song called?
loving the lifestyle btw, wish i had a sweet life like that
December 6th, 2011 at 9:46 pm
this video its sick. Im with you guys every weekend I can at the meets. This is a lifestyle when people ask why is your car so low, Why do you do these things? Well its our lifestyle, its our canvas, our pride and joy from day to day basis lets keep it up.