PICTURED ABOVE: SigrÃður Inga Einisdóttir and Magnús B. Guðmundsson from Kópavogur, Iceland
We are looking to add a little fan love to the look of our online store. If you have purchased any one of our previous or present shirts AND HAVE a nice high quality photo of you wearing it (front of shirt), YOU may be the face displayed for the item on the store!
Best photo chosen showing you and the merchandise will be the main image of the item along with Name, Age and Location in description plus receive a FREE Simply Clean Merch Pack.
Please send high quality images for submission to… simplycleanorlando@gmail.com
PS, this also applies to all other items in the store. Snap a nice pic, send to us, if chosen, you get to be the face of the product and get a free Merch Pack on us!